Tap the power of color symbolism

The fast & easy way

The origins of color symbolism in the natural world give you the most trustworthy and timeless meanings of colors. If you're short on time, this course is s a foolproof way to learn the basics of what colors communicate and how to use color right now in a way that works for you. In less than 2 hour's time you'll have the answers.

What you'll learn:

  • The #1 formula for color symbolism

    You'll get the most basic and powerful formula for determining the symbolism of any color.

  • The easiest color analysis process

    You'll learn the simple process for analyzing the timeless symbolism of colors.

  • The importance of your feelings

    You'll explore the importance of personal feelings about color - and how to use them for the best results.

About "Organic Color Symbolism":

This is an enjoyable and informative course – loaded with graphic examples about color symbolism and tips for how to confidently use colors. 

It's designed for everyone - for all creative people - for anyone who wants to tap the power of color and send the right messages in any area of life or work. 

You’ll learn from:

  • Four colorful slide shows plus a video that will let you time travel to prehistoric times. 
  • Testing your knowledge with a few simple and fun quizzes 
  • Two worksheets that you can use over and over again
  • Valuable resources including excerpts from the author's eBook, "A Guide to Color Symbolism".

In conclusion you will KNOW the universal and timeless symbolism of any color - and be able to use this to send the most powerful messages in your life. 

A review from a student: 

"The course is engaging, informative, well-paced, and fun. It's a great resource for everyone who wants to learn about how color affects their lives." Tony Howard 

Learn from the best in the business.

Read more about the expert instructor Jill Morton

Jill Morton is a color consultant with a Masters Degree, university teaching credentials, and a list of Fortune 500 clients. She specializes in psychological color impact, innovative color combinations, attractive color harmonies, visual ergonomics and marketing trends in her work for global clients. 

Jill is also the author of 11 books about color and the Color Matters website - a leading source for information about color today. Learn more at her business website Colorcom.

Here’s what she has to say about the online courses she created:

"During the past 20 years of practice, the most common question I receive is about the best color for something important in a person's business or life in general. People need help choosing the most effective color for a logo for their business, or a product, a website, a room in their home or office, a building, and countless other things. 

I've created these courses to give you the same knowledge and tools that I’ve developed for using color successfully on your own. In essence, I'm sharing exactly how I work with every aspect of color."

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to Organic Color Symbolism

    • User Info

    • Tips & User Tools

    • Course Outline

  • 2

    What Is Color? Why Does Color Matter?

    • What Is Color Intro & Exercise | Video

    • What Is Color? | Video

    • Exercise: Your Connection to Color

  • 3

    Origins of Organic Colors

    • The Origins of Organic Color Symbolism | Video

    • Prehistoric Exercise

    • Experience Colors in a Prehistoric Landscape

    • Quiz - Prehistoric Color Symbolism

  • 4

    Symbolism of Colors in Nature

    • Introduction & Worksheet

    • Red and Pink in Nature

    • Red, Orange, Brown & Yellow in Nature

    • Quiz - Red , Orange, Brown & Yellow

    • Green, Blue & Purple in Nature

    • Quiz - Green, Blue, & Purple

    • White, Grey & Black in Nature

    • Quiz - White, Grey & Black

    • Resource: Color Symbolism

  • 5

    Evolution of Organic Colors

    • Quiz - Evolution of Color Symbolism

    • Evolution of Organic Color Symbolism | Video

    • Evolution of Organic Color Symbolism | Video

  • 6

    Personal Color Symbolism

    • Personal Color Symbolism | Video

    • Conclusion - Your Color Symbolism Evaluation

  • 7


    • Course Outline & Worksheets

    • Color Matters Web Forum

    • Color Matters on Facebook

    • Color Matters Newsletter

    • Great Info about Color

    • Color Symbolism - Excerpts

    • Jill Morton - Bio

    • Finale

    • Catalogue of Online Courses from Color Matters

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